Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Church Wedding?

Victor had the best line of the episode:. "You and Kristen are going to have a church wedding?"  Brady stops by the mansion to apologize to his granddad about but telling him about the engagement.  Victor already knew all the details, because he's Victor!  DUH!  Victor calls Marlena to inform her of Eric's decision of potentially marring Bristen.

Sami DeathRow Brady's case is still on going.  Kate is drilled about the meaning of her gifting the gun to Sami.   She tells the court that she has a dark sense of humor. She does not bode well for Sami's defense. I wish the writers would speed this storyline up.   I'm bored with it!

Kristen has a run in with both Dr. Skeeze Bag and Nicole.  She is walking around talking to the jump drive like she does to Jesus. Nicole asks her what is on the jump drive.  She tells her that an important business deal is on it and shoves it back in her purse. Kristen heads over to Dr. D's love nest to see how the Saint Jennifer is doing since her son was busted for dealing drugs.   She asks him about the specialists who she's going to see to try to get knocked up. OK,  I'm going to just say this. I love Eileen Davidson and think she has never looked better, but Kristen is in her 50s. I think Kristen missing a period is probably because she is menopausal.  I just wish she was sticking around.   Kristen really has made this show over the past year.


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