Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Perfect Liar or a Stupid Mother?

A Perfect Liar or a Stupid Mother?

Jennifer meets up with Justin about taking JJ's case.  It also happens to be his 18th birthday. Abby is just sitting around the house being sad like always!  I think I like Roy better than JJ.  His mother is special!  Roy tried to take the fall.  His meth looking mother had the best line of the show "Will you shut the hell up!  You stupid idiot!"  Jennifer doesn't believe it.  Today is the first day in since forever that I have enjoyed seeing Melissa Reeves on screen.  Wonder if she is still endorsing Chick-Fil-A hate chicken?  Mini Jennifer and Teresa had a blow up.  She figures out that Teresa was buying pot from JJ.  JJ get's chewed out (pun intended) by Abby, then she give him a cake for his birthday.  

Teresa gets her first pay check from not HR, but the chief of staff Kayla.  Where is Ann when you need her?  She opens it and flips her shit.  She expects more and Aunt Kayla tells her tough shit.  She is upset that she doesn't have enough money to blaze up a joint in Jennifer's office. 

Kristen meets up with Father in the park.  So proper all the time!  I wish they would pit Kristen against EJ by helping Stefano get back control of everything Dimera.  When I think Stefano's child, I think Kristen, not EJ.  She is just like him in every way.  It would have been a great story.  Why does Crazy K always have to be in a love triangle? VICTOR HAS AN IDENTICAL JUMP DRIVE AS KRISTEN'S!  I sense a mix up of jump drives.  He is about to see Kristen Rape Father Eric!  If anyone on Days was going to rape anyone, they should be happy that it was her.  Nicole runs into Kristen and Stefano in the park and just as she was about to find out what is going on, Brady shows up.  

Nicole runs into ex-hubby Victor at the cafe/club.  She wants to partner with him to take Kristen down.  He turns her down and she storms out.  He calls Doc and tells her that they need to talk ASAP.  Marlena looked like a tennis ball with that blazer on today!  Marlena suggests that they confront Kristen directly.  Victor says no and suggests that she is probably working with her father or EJ.  I love how Stefano is living in the Salem park now that he was kicked out of his mansion.  They could at least give him a room that the Salem Inn next to Kate.  I bet Kate's hotel bill is astronomical!  Nicole and Eric have a chat about his rape session.  He wants so bad to remember Kristen ridding him, but he just cant.  FYI: I love Nicole's choppy hair cut! You go Ari!  "I'm a little bit drunk, but my name is Nicole!" Second best line of the show.  She and Kristen have it out in the square and Marlena goes through Kristen's purse.  I bet that is an Hermez bag.  Kristen isn't a scrub!

I'm blogged out.....

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